Holy Week is a special time in the life of the church. Throughout these days we will have the opportunity to celebrate the high of Palm Sunday through the somber moments of Good Friday. Then, on Easter Sunday, we will rejoice again in the Resurrection of our Lord. We hope that you will make plans to be part of each of these special opportunities to deepen your faith as we move through this very holy time.
Palm Sunday - Traditionally marks the beginning of Holy week. Recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his journey to the cross. Holy Thursday Service of Worship – Remembering Christ’s final acts of love and servant hood when we gather at the table. Good Friday – Traditionally a day of fasting, silence and prayer. You are encouraged to be mindful of this tradition as you go throughout your day. Sunrise Service, Sunday at 7 am -- You are invited to the 78th Annual Easter Sunrise Service in the Stephen F. Austin Historical Park. (The park is located next to the Brazos River Bridge on FM 1458 in San Felipe.) Since 1940 an Easter sunrise service has been held at the park, sponsored by our friends at San Felipe UMC. Ministers from San Felipe, Bellville, Pattison, Brookshire and other surrounding areas participate in this celebration. It is for all Christians. ALL are invited to attend this beautiful and moving worship service! First UMC Seakt Easter Service, Sunday at 10 am – Celebrate the Good News of the empty tomb at FUMC Sealy. Plan now to bring cut flowers to flower our Easter Cross. |