Holy Week is a special time in the life of the church. Throughout these days we will have the opportunity to celebrate the high of Palm Sunday through the somber moments of Good Friday. Then, on Easter Sunday, we will rejoice again in the Resurrection of our Lord. We hope that you will make plans to be part of each of these special opportunities to deepen your faith as we move through this very holy time.
Palm Sunday March 24 | 10 am Sunday, March 24, is a big day for our church. In the morning we will remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with our children of all ages processing through the aisles of our Sanctuary. Then in the afternoon we will host children from across our area at Sealy’s P&BW Park for our annual Eggstravaganza! Maundy Thursday March 28 | 6:30 pm During this service you will be transported back to the last night Jesus spent with his disciples, and remember the events of that evening long ago when Jesus was betrayed by one of his own. We'll commemorate the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. Good Friday March 29 | 7 pm During our Good Friday Service we will gather with singing and prayer, and then we will read and sing our way with Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the garden tomb. Along the way our young people will strip our chancel area of all decorations and we will dim our lights. We will leave in silence and darkness with our Lord buried in his tomb. Easter Sunday March 31 | 10 am This joyous day begins with the Annual Easter Sunrise Service at Stephen F. Austin Monument Park on FM1485 in San Felipe at 7 am. We will continue our worship with a Service of Holy Communion in our Sanctuary at 10 am. |