Altar flowers
Altar flowers are used throughout the year to enhance the worship experience in the church Sanctuary. Individuals or families may sign up for any given week to provide altar flowers.These flowers are donated by congregation members. They are a wonderful way to honor a special occasion (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, holidays, etc.) or remember loved ones and friends who have passed away.
Flowers can be from more than one family, a whole class, mission group, or ministry. And remember, if you allow the flowers to be distributed to our shut-ins or local retirement communities following the services, you will bringing joy to many others. Wording for "In Memory of " will be: The altar flowers are offered to the Glory of God and in memory of (person's name)by the (giver). Wording for "In Honor of " will be: The altar flowers are offered to the Glory of God and in honor of (person's name)by the (giver). Make check payable to “FUMC” and write “altar flowers” in the memo OR Insert cash in envelope with “altar flowers” written on the outside. Both may be placed in the Sunday offering or mailed to the church office. Please fill out the form below to place flowers on the alter in the Sanctuary for Sunday worship service. The cost for the two vases of flowers is $70. Flowers may be taken home after 10 am worship. |